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ISTE  Innovative Educators' Express Webinar, Reinventing Project-based Learning



Wednesday, October 24, 2007 at 1:00 Pacific/4:00 Eastern

Join Suzie and Jane and moderator Betsy Lowry in this interactive Webinar. Learn about the new book, Reinventing Project-Based Learning, and explore the essential learning functions of digital tools that support rich and meaningful projects.

Guided exploration of topics addressed during this session: Content and Tools-ISTE IEEW




Tapped In Session- Web 2.0 for Schools - Reinventing Projects - Part 1

September 20, 2007 at 5:00 Pacific/8:00 Eastern

In this Tapped In session Jane and Suzie will discuss their book, then dig into "virtual desktops" the emerging Web 2.0 tools that gives teachers and learners capabilities particularly suited to project-based learning. Protopage, iGoogle, Netvibes and My Yahoo are a few of the virtual desktops or personalized homepages that teachers and students are using to organize, connect, share, synthesize and generally make the most of project learning. Learn how personalizing the Web can work for you, and see how classrooms from Georgia to Bangladesh are capitalizing on these new tools.

To join, go to Tapped In and enter as a member or guest. Look to the right under "Featured Passageways" for Web 2.0 for School. That's our session!

Guided exploration of topics associated with this Tapped In session: content and tools


Transcript from seminar 1



Tapped In Session ~ Web 2.0 for Schools: Reinventing Project-Based Learning, Part 2

Thursday, October 17, 2007 at 5:00 Pacific/8:00 Eastern


Continuing the conversation they kicked off in September, Suzie Boss and Jane Krauss will dig deeper into topics addressed in their book, Reinventing Project-Based Learning: Your Field Guide for Real-World Projects in the Digital Age. Learn more about how Web 2.0 tools can support your students as they engage in real-world projects.

To join, go to Tapped In and enter as a member or guest. Look to the right under "Featured Passageways" for Web 2.0 for School. That's our session!

Guided exploration of topics associated with this Tapped In session: Content and Tools-2


Transcript from seminar 2


NECC 2007 Workshop

 June 25, 2007, Atlanta, GA

This session offered a preview of Reinventing Project-Based Learning. Link includes session handouts and presentation.

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