
Transcript from seminar 2

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 3 months ago

2007.10.18 16:52:58     Login

|** ANNOUNCEMENT: Web 2.0 Tools for Schools - Reinventing Project Based Learning is starting in the group room. To participate type /join LynneW **

BJB2: Welcome, everyone, to the return visit with Suzie and Jane. Last month's discussion was so exciting they've come back to share more information!

BJB2: a reminder if you are new to Tapped In to go to the actions menu in the top right of the chat and click on detach

BJB2: as always, let's start with brief introductions, please.

PeggyG joined the room.

BJB2: tell Suzie and Jane where you are located, what you teach, and what brings you to the discussion

SherylM: I am a teacher and parent iN SE Kansas

MarciaBe: I teach business stats & computer applications at Webber International University in FL. I want to know more about technology and teaching

ShayneTr: I'm a computer and visual arts teacher up in Toronto in Canada. I just qualified as a special ed teacher, too, and my project was on using web 2.0 tools to differentiate instruction in my visual arts class

LynneW: I'm a teacher educator in Portland OR and "mom" for this group.

BJB2: I teach remedial communication in Pennsylvania.

SherylM: OOOPS: I am n2teaching;

PeggyG: Hi. I'm a retired teacher educator and elementary principal in AZ

JaneKr: Jane Krauss here, in Eugene Oregon - co-presenter of this session

SuzieB: Hi all. I'm a writer from Portland, OR.

LynneW: Many thanks to Jane and Suzie for offering to return for Part two.

PeggyG: I was a bit distracted as I was logging in because I wanted to do a quick review of the transcript from last month's conversation. I'm back. :-)

LynneW: Please start when you are ready.

JaneKr: We'll do a mini review of where we left off last time just to circle back a bit before moving forward

JaneKr: We'd like you to notice, there's a wiki associated with this session

LynneW: Sounds good

JaneKr: Please take a look

JaneKr: Lynne you can tell people where the link is better than I

LynneW: You will find it under Featured Items in the frame above.

LynneW: Just a short scroll down

LynneW: Reinventing PBL Wiki

JaneKr: Can you folks open it in another window, please? It really matches today's program.

LynneW projects http://reinventingpbl.pbwiki.com/Content%20and%20Tools-2

JaneKr: So, four parts: a little about the concept of reinvented pbl, a tour of a project that really exemplifies what we're talking about, a discussion of 'essential learning functions', then a little on how professional learning is being reinvented, too.

JaneKr: Let's take a sec to look at the table of contents link under Reinventing PBL, and we'll just answer a question or two about the book and move on, since we have some returning guests

SuzieB: You can see we use the metaphor of a journey to talk about project-based learning.

SuzieB: It's a journey for you AND your students!

SuzieB: And, we encourage you to have some fellow travelers--colleagues who share your passion.

JaneKr: So, our intent is to "mash up" pbl and tech, something we think has been sorely needed

SuzieB: And you'll see that we have integrated "Technology Focus" pieces throughout.

SuzieB: Our idea that technology is part of the context for learning, so it's embedded.

JaneKr: When you're ready, ask any questions you have, then otherwise, we'll charge ahead!

BJB2 listens carefully

JaneKr: We want to dig into some reinvented projects.

ShayneTr: Is your book written in general terms or does it relate to different subject areas?

JaneKr: We explore more than thirty teachers’ projects in the book, each illustrating important concepts around pbl + tech

JaneKr: It isn't broken down by subject area because they are pretty interdisciplinary

SuzieB: We also have examples from all grade levels.

JaneKr: but you will that they tend to have a 'core' of math, sci, or other subject

BJB2 loves interdisciplinary

BJB2: arts?

SuzieB: There are several project examples that incorporate arts

SuzieB: ...and personal expression, in particular.

BJB2 smiles. Thanks, Suzie

JaneKr: One I think of - Dancing at the Renaissance Ball

ShayneTr: Sounds interesting...

JaneKr: nice project in there, history, literature, and drama!

SuzieB: You'll also see engagement of all learning styles, modalities.

JaneKr: OK, now to a few projects to explore.

JaneKr: Please look at the section B, Reinvented Projects

JaneKr: We're going to dig into just one together, the others are for your later enjoyment

JaneKr: Everyone there?

SuzieB: Let's click on GoogleLit Trips

SuzieB: First of the Reinvented Projects

JaneKr: Before you click through to the podcast, we'd like to give you a prompt.

JaneKr: Think about this: As you explore this Google Lit Trip, ask yourself: What is happening with technology that takes this beyond your usual literature study?

SuzieB: From the home page, click on 9-12.

SuzieB: And then Grapes of Wrath.

SuzieB: Everyone there?

PeggyG: Yes ShayneTr: yes MarciaBe: I am

JaneKr: look around a bit, then, at the top, click on "podcast" and listen to Jerome talk about the project. It will take three minutes or so

TerryS joined the room.

SuzieB waves to Terry

TerryS: Hello

SuzieB: Terry, we need to direct you to the wiki we're using...

TerryS: ok

JaneKr: http://reinventingpbl.pbwiki.com/Content%20and%20Tools-2

LynneW: Hey Terry. Nice to see you.

TerryS: hi Lynne

SuzieB: Once there, follow the link to GoogleLitTrips.

JaneKr: everyone, when you have viewed, let us know

MarciaBe: Very Nice. I enjoyed it. PeggyG: I'm finished reviewing BJB2 is back

SuzieB: Jerome Burg has been teaching literature for 30+ years--MarciaBe: What is a kmz file?

SuzieB: KMZ is a file associated with Google Earth

SuzieB: Jerome designed this site after he saw Google Earth

SuzieB: and began imagining ways to connect the visual information to literature studies.

JaneKr: He built the kmz files with his placemarks, which include embedded multimedia

JaneKr: And now he is having students create them themselves!

ShayneTr: It seems we need to have Google Earth installed to see the kmz file.

JaneKr: Yes, don't worry about it now, just viewing the podcast gives you an idea. (get it later, tho!)There's a slideshow, too

PeggyG: That is amazing!

SuzieB: What do you think he's accomplishing with this?

JaneKr: how is it different from typical literature study?

MarciaBe: Putting the story into context of the environement and time?

ShayneTr: It's a more multi-sensory approach. Instead of just questions, there are images and sounds.

JaneKr: and how does he do that, Marcia?

SherylM: Virtualizing to maximize the reality of the literature; lol

PeggyG: When you click on the arrows for each day you are given information and links to further explore the book. Fantastic tool.

JaneKr: virtualizing, eh?

JaneKr: haha

SherylM smiles and nods

MarciaBe: Pictures of the time, elevations, etc.

JaneKr: The lit trips he works with are based on real trips, people moving across a space over time

SuzieB: Videos are embedded, too--so students "see" a real dust storm, hear a song.

PeggyG: The questions he poses definitely require students to think and reflect!

SuzieB: yes!

TerryS: Are there examples of this, how it has been used - connected to literature?

SuzieB: yes, many!

SuzieB: This web site includes a growing collection.

JaneKr: he also tells you how to create them

JaneKr: and he's asking for them from KIDS

SuzieB: What Jerome has started is an online community of users.

JaneKr: teachers AND kids

SuzieB: And, together they are developing best practices for teaching and learning this way.

JaneKr: …Kids who are also developers

JaneKr: So, some of the things you mentioned were - creating a virtual experience

ShayneTr: How does he integrate the use of this site with classroom activity? Do they read a chapter at home, then do students go into a lab during class time?

JaneKr: it's a study guide, they follow the Joads on their trip, chapter by chapter

JaneKr: the next phase, when kids create them, is they decide what elements are essential to the story

JaneKr: critical reading to the nth degree

SuzieB: Jerome's experience is that students understand the characters and plot better than with more traditional approaches.

JaneKr: and research

SuzieB: The classroom discussions are richer and deeper, for instance.

JaneKr: You heard him say...

JaneKr: "It pushes them to where I think Steinbeck would have like them to go."

SuzieB: It's a nice combination of traditional teaching methods--such as classroom discussions--with smart use of technology to add a layer of understanding.

JaneKr: Kids talk about what they like, too

JaneKr: They say "I can go back over this again and again"

JaneKr: "I can see what Steinbeck wants me to see"

SuzieB: They also talk about "seeing" the story.

JaneKr grin

TerryS: I can see how this would attract new fans (kids) to the Grapes of Wrath.

SuzieB: We won't have time to dig into the other 2 today...

TerryS: ...a new context for looking back then

SuzieB: but let's give you a quick overview

JaneKr: (right, Terry!)

SuzieB: iHistory podcast is from a teacher in Australia

PeggyG: Does he organize groups for students to explore and discuss the questions together?

SuzieB: who wanted to "calitalize on a classroom irritant"

TerryS: I'm running the Grape kmz now

SuzieB: can you guess what it was?

SuzieB: Anyone ever have to confiscate MP3 players in class?

TerryS: I recommend them to my 4th graders

SherylM: messaging and miniblogging

SuzieB: He uses MP3 as audio recorders and players...

SuzieB: to have students investigate local history

TerryS: exactly

SuzieB: and make podcasts to share with fellow learners

SuzieB: in both Australia and elsewhere in the world

PeggyG: Excellent use of podcasting!

SuzieB: yes! Do give it a look (listen) later!

SuzieB: And Kathy Cassidy is from Moose Jaw, Canada

SuzieB: She has her 1st graders blogging

SuzieB: AND preservice teachers are commenting on what they see

SuzieB: so there's a double bonus—

SuzieB: 1st graders get an audience/write for a purpose

SuzieB: and preservice teachers get to see how young writers develop over time

PeggyG: I heard Kathy's presentation at the K12online conference last year and am one of her biggest fans! She has done some amazing things with her first graders with technology!

SuzieB: yes! great!

JaneKr: What these three do

JaneKr: ... and all the examples in the book I might add...

JaneKr: is point up how technology allows teachers and students to do something they couldn't do before, or certainly couldn't do nearly as well

JaneKr: We have a different way of thinking about technology...

JaneKr: it's not about the technology

PeggyG: That's what I think is so important--that the technology truly adds value to the lesson and provides an experience that couldn't be achieved without technology.

SuzieB: Yes, exactly, Peggy

JaneKr: it's about what technologies allow you to do... the ESSENTIAL LEARNING FUNCTIONS they serve

TerryS: the ability to express and share - quickly, and far reaching - kids love it

JaneKr: Terry you've got it.

JaneKr: We've decided there are 8 basic functions that are really really important

JaneKr: in projects, or just in good teaching.

JaneKr: SO, please look to the link for "A brief look at Essential Learning Functions"

SuzieB: back on the wiki

TerryS: ok

JaneKr: YES, in that section, there's a book excerpt (for later) that is very comprehensive.

JaneKr: But for today, just read the linked page, starting with the top paragraph

BJB2: http://reinventingpbl.pbwiki.com/Essential+Learning+FunctionsJane

Kr: you rock BJ

PeggyG: That's an excellent summary of key points!

SuzieB: There's a range of technologies to accomplish these functions.

JaneKr: I ran out of time to put all the tools in for each (there are five million of course) but you'll find them in the excerpt when you download

SuzieB: We focused on project management last time...

SuzieB: and dug into virtual desktops as an example.

JaneKr: Circling back to what you saw, can you see the tech used in Jerome's Google Lit trips delivered some essential learning fucntions?

JaneKr: "making things visible and discussable"?

JaneKr: "Deep Learning" through primary sources?

PeggyG: That's a fantastic compilation of the tools in a context to understand purpose and how they can be used. Great!

SuzieB: Thanks, Peggy--that's our goal.

JaneKr: And when kids make their own - imagine the "Research", "Reflection and Iteration", "Project Management"...

PeggyG: Yes the primary sources really make it interesting.

MarciaBe: This is great, Thanks.

ShayneTr: I think this will help me convince administration to take a chance on web 2.0 tools... a great way to present the benefits!


SuzieB: Fabulous idea!

PeggyG: Do you talk about management for a project like this when you don't have a computer lab or individual access to computers for all students at the same time?

JaneKr: It's not about the technology, it's about what the technology helps us accomplish

JaneKr: We talk about overcoming barriers a lot!

JaneKr: We're going to dig into one ELF a bit, Deep Learning

MarciaBe: Are there how-tos sprinkled in along the way or on some of the referenced sites?

SuzieB: (That's Essential Learning Function!)

JaneKr: YEP, lots of side trips, tech focus segments, and resources galore

JaneKr: What we end with today, reinvented professional learning, will get to that a bit, Marcia

JaneKr: OK, Onward!

SuzieB: On the wiki, go to Clay Burell's A Broken World wiki

PeggyG: I think all of the edubloggers you cite in your summary are currently presenting sessions in the K12 online conference. :-)

JaneKr: probably.

TerryS: I did a project with Clay last year

SuzieB: It's last in the list of Essential Learning Functions

JaneKr: well we'll tell lhim hello!

JaneKr: he's a pal now, if only through virtual connection

SuzieB: Everyone there?

JaneKr: Let's talk about what we mean by Deep Learning first, sorry, jumping ahead.

BJB2: https://brokenworld.wikispaces.com/A+Broken+WorldJaneKr: You can read the ELF page or listen to me.

JaneKr: It's about moving past 'filtered' information to 'raw'

JaneKr: “raw” meaning primary sources and real-time data, data sets

JaneKr: Using these, kids have to create their own meaning, not just digest someone else's interpretation

SuzieB: His students take on the role of historian

SuzieB: using primary source materials

SuzieB: to create their own account of history, from WWI to Cold War

ShayneTr: Oh my... my daughter is sitting at the dining room table studying WW1 from a textbook!

JaneKr: it requires research, analysis, and interpretation

JaneKr: very high level thinking

JaneKr: that kills me Shayne

SuzieB: Send her to Clay's wiki!

JaneKr: Tell her to move to S. Korea

JaneKr: or join him virtually

SuzieB: The wiki alone is great stuff...but that's not all

PeggyG: Do they have to deal with copyright permissions for the primary source photos?

JaneKr: They follow acceptable use guidelines

JaneKr: which, honestly, are pretty generous for students

SuzieB: They had readers respond, from around the world.

JaneKr: they learn proper citation, etc.

SuzieB: But that's not all, either!

PeggyG: How easy is it to get that permission for these photos?

SuzieB: Pretty easy.

SuzieB: Lots in public domain.

JaneKr: So, for another example, and to answer Peggy's question...

PeggyG: I think the internet archives have a lot to offer.

JaneKr: Not going there now, but the American Memory Project is full of archived photos, other media,

JaneKr: and they are explicit about how to use them appropriately

PeggyG: Do you have a URL for the American Memory Project or is it in the Essential Learning doc?

JaneKr: It's under Deep Learning resources in the Wiki

SuzieB: Creating the wiki required one kind of learning...

PeggyG: Great!

SuzieB: Clay also wanted students to reflect...

SuzieB: so he had them blog about what they were learning

BJB2: http://memory.loc.gov/

SuzieB: THEN they had reader responses to their blogs...which prompted more reflection...

SuzieB: and global connections

SuzieB: You can see how this grows and grows

JaneKr: Gosh we need to wrap up

JaneKr: one second to tell you what we can't cover, then questions from you

BJB2 nods sadly

JaneKr: OK, session 3.... haha

ShayneTr: Yes, please

BJB2 cheers!

JaneKr: We really see how professional learning is changing hugely

TerryS: sorry I got here late

JaneKr: See our three ways to learn?

PeggyG: Boy how the time flies!! I can't believe our hour is over!

MarciaBe: I'm for it, too.

JaneKr: anyway, We are all learning from each other

TerryS: I did a conference with Clay and a teacher form the Dominican Republic in which we hammered out a project plan in about 30 minutes

JaneKr: and we don't have to wait

SuzieB: Terry, that's just what we mean!

TerryS: skyping

ShayneTr: Where can we get your book?

JaneKr: We can learn from edubloggers, educators who have a new voice since Web 2.0 came along

SuzieB: This collaboration is changing everything

SuzieB: the book will be out next month, Shaye

SuzieB: Shayne (sorry!)--ISTE is our publisher

JaneKr: There are new social environments to check out, too- esp. recommend Classroom 2.0...

SuzieB: but it's also on Amazon

TerryS: I'm there

TerryS: Ning

SuzieB: yes, Ning!

JaneKr: and of course Tapped In's Web2Tools environment

JaneKr: !!!!!!

BJB2 smiles

ShayneTr: I'm on Clrm2.0, too. And the arts one.

JaneKr: and ISTE Island in Second life ... attend a 'social', 'lecture', or just bump into colleagues.

JaneKr: Which I do literally because I'm bad in Second

LifeTerryS: my kids are at www.smithclass.org if you want to see what some 4th graders are doing

JaneKr: Literally but virtually ha

JaneKr: Then there is learning by doing

SuzieB: Thanks, Terry--will look

JaneKr: Check out projects you and your students can join

JaneKr: Taking IT Global,

JaneKr: iEARN,

JaneKr: many wonderful ones

SuzieB: These offer a great way to jump into a project

SuzieB: get your feet wet, if pbl is new to you...

TerryS: doesn't IEarn cost money?

SuzieB: or find international colleagues

PeggyG: Thanks Terry. It will be fun to explore your site.

SuzieB: I think IEARN is free to use

SuzieB: although you do need to register

JaneKr: SO. Questions?

TerryS: I moderate projects for Kidlink - no money

JaneKr: (BJ do we have time for questions?)

JaneKr: Kidlink, let me check it out

SuzieB: See, we're always learning from one another

TerryS: Landmark 2007 is coming up next

PeggyG: You've given us a lot of gret new things to explore on our own. :-) Thanks.

SuzieB: Hope it's been helpful!

SuzieB: Thanks for coming.

ShayneTr: My daughter wants to explore that history site, now. Thanks!!!

SherylM: It's been great

MarciaBe: It has been helpful and appreciated. Thank you.

TerryS: very helpful - the google thing was quite interesting

SuzieB: Have fun exploring

BJB2: next web 2.0 tools is November 15

SuzieB: lots of great projects out there

JaneKr: we hope you'll dig in.

PeggyG: Thanks a lot! Looking forward to seeing your book!

SherylM: Yes! and I coined my own word....lol

PeggyG: I'm ready to start exploring!

BJB2: The scripts get archived for each session about 2 weeks after the event

BJB2: www.tappedin.org/transcripts

ShayneTr joined the room.

TerryS: Thanks Jane - Lynne Wolters recommend I stop in tonight

JaneKr: I'm glad you did, Lynne’s great

PeggyG: They come via email to everyone who participated in the session.

MarciaBe: Ah, thanks. I have a Lilly conference at Miami U in Ohio on 11/15 - it will be great but I will miss this.

SherylM: Have a great month!

TerryS: I'm running Vista and it's really messing with me here

JaneKr: Vista... sigh

TerryS: yesBJB2 waves goodnight and heads to the K-12 Language Arts discussion

MarciaBe: Ciao and thank you, again.

ShayneTr: Bye and thanks

JaneKr: Thank you all, for your interest and great input, questions

JaneKr waves

BjB: |** ANNOUNCEMENT: The K-12 Language Arts Discussion is starting in the group room. To participate type /join KarenL PeggyG: Thanks for your willingness to share!

TerryS: I htink many teachers want basic classroom mangement tips while trying to implement project style lesson in a classroom full of kids

TerryS: well - thanks for having this meeting


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